Tuesday 9 April 2013

Helen Baker

We have been contracted to work on a series of photo-lithos with Helen Baker, they will eventually be bound into a book. Tests have been run over the past few weeks and today saw the start of production proper.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Gordon Close | Approval to print

Over the past month we've been collaborating with Gordon Close. Often Gordon's drawings feature a distinctive orange under drawing, which we have incorporated in this lithograph.

He stopped by today to see the latest proofs and being satisfied with the result he has now signed the approval to print.

Monday 1 April 2013

The Late Shows | Origami Frog

Rachael Kidd has been busy with the origami again, this time with a jumping frog. Some lucky visitors during The Late Shows (May 17th & 18th) will be able to print* their own frogs or purchase pre-printed frogs.

*final colour only and with a suggested donation.